Beverages and your Teeth

Before you grab something to drink-- stop and think about your teeth! Coffee and tea can stain your teeth. Soft drinks, sports drinks, juice, and vitamin waters often contain a lot of sugar and acid. Diet or “sugar free” sodas contain acid that also harms your enamel. Sugar and acid  weaken the enamel and can result in  tooth decay and cavities.

What can you do to reduce tooth decay? Drink soda, sport drinks, juice, and flavored waters in moderation. After drinking sweet beverages, be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water to dilute the sugar.

Water is an even better choice. It has no sugar, no acid, and no calories. In many communities the tap water has fluoride to help strengthen your teeth. Plus, if you use a refillable water bottle you are helping to protect the environment.

Remember: healthy teeth require healthy food and beverage choices, regular brushing and flossing, and regular checkups with your dentist. The reward is a beautiful, cavity free smile!

Be sure to ask Dr. Douglas Barden and his team if you have any questions. Follow Barden Orthodontics on Instagram Facebook or Twitter to get more tips and helpful orthodontic information.